

大峡谷州立大学 continues to be committed to conducting the collection 和 processing of personal data with 完整性 和 in compliance with applicable data protection laws. 本私隐声明, 介绍大学如何收集资料, 使用, 商店, transfers 和 protects personal data about you as an alumnus, 捐赠者或活动参与者.

本私隐声明 applies to all personal data we collect or process about you in the context of our status as an alumnus, 捐赠者或活动参与者. 本通知将告知你:


大峡谷州立大学 serves as the controller of the personal data described in this notice 和 determines the purposes 和 means of processing your personal data. The individual below serves as the primary contact for compliance with applicable data protection laws related to alumni 和 donors to the university, 和 is responsible for responding to questions about this Notice 和 requests to exercise data subject rights.





富尔顿街西301号. 900套房

大急流城MI 40504

(616) 331-5705



  • 我们直接向您收集的个人资料

       我们直接向您收集个人资料. Personal data that is collected directly from you includes the following:

  1. Personal details, such as your full name 和 date of birth;
  2. 联系 details, such as your phone number, email address, 和 mailing address;
  3. Demographic details, such as your age, gender, 和 marital status;
  4. Information about disabilities 和 related accommodations, 有关过敏或饮食限制的信息.


  • 由我们产生的个人资料 

       除了, the following categories of personal data about you may be generated by GVSU in the course of its relationship with you

  1. G-number;
  2. Employment details if you are employed by GVSU as a student, such as work-study 和 GVSU employment details; 和
  3. Student 和 education information, including your major/minor;
  4. 与其他GVSU选区的关系;
  5. Gift information; 和
  6. 活动出席信息.


  • 我们从其他来源获得的个人资料

       GVSU may also obtain the following categories of personal data about you from third parties:

  1. Updated contact details, such as your phone number 和 mailing address;
  2. Updated employment information; 和
  3. 慈善利益的衡量标准.


  • 我们收集及使用的特殊类别的个人资料

       Some of the categories of personal data that we collect are considered “special categories” of personal data under European law. In particular, we may process the following special categories of personal data:

  1. Information about disabilities or related accommodations, 有关过敏或饮食限制的信息 where provided; 和
  2. 欧洲杯押注网页你的种族或民族出身的信息.



GVSU 使用 the data collected to create a record that allows the university to interact with you as a donor or an alumnus of the institution, 来管理你出席我们的活动, 并按照国税局的标准接受礼品.       


We treat your personal data with care 和 confidentiality. Your personal data will be available for the purposes mentioned above 和 only to employees on a need to know basis 和 to the extent reasonably necessary to perform their functions.

We may disclose your personal data to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • Law enforcement agencies, courts, regulators, government authorities or other third parties. We may share your personal data with these parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of any third party.

因为我们是国际化经营的, the recipients referred to above may be located outside the jurisdiction in which you are located (or in which we provide the services). 您的个人资料可能会被转移至, 存储, 和 processed in a country that is not regarded as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal data under European Union law.


大学已经建立了合理的物理, technical 和 organizational measures designed to maintain appropriate security, 完整性, 以及我们处理的个人数据的保密性. We evaluate these measures on a regular basis to ensure the security of the processing.


个人资料 is retained in accordance with University policy 和 as required under applicable U.S. 法律法规要求删除的除外.


大峡谷州立大学收集, 商店, 和 使用 personal data that you provide to us 和 information we collect about you to interact with you as an alumnus, 捐赠者或潜在捐赠者. 除了, the university may process your information for other legitimate interests related to:

  • 推广和营销工作; 
  • 提供准确的收据;
  • 完成一般大学报告,以及
  • fulfilling other university responsibilities or purposes.



在法律适用的情况下, you may have the following rights regarding your personal data, 访问GVSU持有的您的个人数据的权利, 在某些情况下, 更新个人数据的权利, 抹去, 限制, or delivered to you or a third party in a usable electronic format (the right to data portability). 在适用情况下, you may also object to how GVSU 使用 your personal data if the legal basis for processing that information that we say is in our legitimate business interest. 

Where we are using your personal data on the basis of your consent, 在法律适用的情况下, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You also have the right to register a complaint to the supervisory data protection authority in your home country where applicable.

如果你想行使这些权利, 或通知我们您的详细信息的变化, or if you have any questions on the content of this Notice, 请与数据控制器联系.


You may request a copy of this Privacy Notice from us using the contact details set out above. 

This Privacy Statement may be revised periodically without further notice to you 和 this will be reflected by the "LAST UPDATED" date found at the top of this page. 请重新访问此页面以了解任何更改. Your continued use of our site constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Statement 和 any future revisions.


